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FHD402 Dragon Lion Riders with Bows x9 (10mm)


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This pack contains nine Lion Dragon riders with bows, single pose.

The Dragon Lions which protect Hanchu Temples are a mystery in a world packed with mysteries. Some say that they are animated statues, others that they are literally the offspring of Lions and Dragons, yet more that they are a wild breed of dog mixed with Lion. The mystery is that there are credible reports matching all three explanations.

Corpses have been found to be made of stone, other bodies to be flesh. They have been reported as breathing fire on a few occasions while the great explorer 'Vasoc de Grammar' rescued three found trying to suckle from a dead lion. Perhaps all the stories are true, perhaps none are, whatever the myth, the fact remains they make for hard hitting cavalry.

Additional Information

Date from -350
Date to 400
Rule System Warmaster Ancients and Medieval