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ADW28 Roman Army for the Dacian Wars, 1000 Points (10mm)

This 10mm Dacian Wars Roman Army is suitable for Warmaster Ancients (1000pt) and other systems. It contains the following packs, where packs correspond to one unit each:

LEG1 x1 Roman Command,

LEG23b x4 Trajanic Legion standing (Dacian),

LEG19e x1 Praetorian Guard with gladius,

AUX3 x2 Auxilium,

AUX1 x1 Western archers,

NMD2 x1 Numidian javelinmen, 

AUX2 x1 Auxiliary cavalry, coffin shield.

NMD1 x1 Numidian cavalry and

AMC7 x1 Alexandrian bolt throwers.


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LEG1 x1,

LEG23b x4,

LEG19e x1,

AUX3 x2,

AUX1 x1,

NMD2 x1 and

AUX2 x1,

NMD1 x1 and

AMC7 x1.

Additional Information

Rule System Warmaster Ancients and Medieval