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CGRS6 Russian Militia with pike (10mm)

This pack contains four militia battalions (36 figures each), three guns and crew, one General with ADC. It also contains the following bases: 20 mm x 30 mm x24 30 mm x 40 mm x3 20 mm x 20 mm x3 25 mm circle x1. It is designed for use with Colours & Guns.


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Contains: 4x RS108, 1xRS304, 1 General (RS501) with ADC (RS502) plus the following bases: 20 mm x 30 mm x24, 30 mm x 40 mm x3, 20 mm x 20 mm x3 and 25 mm circle x1.

Additional Information

Date from 1799
Date to 1815
Rule System Colours and Guns