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DSM8162 Critter Kingdoms Gabby Schnauzer Wizard with Staff (28mm)


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This pack contains a Critter Kingdoms Gabby Schnauzer Wizard with Staff.

Part of the Critter Kingdoms miniature range.

Sculpted by Christine van Patten.

This is one of our two current miniature Schnauzers named Gabby. She has quite the big personality and thinks she is pretty hot stuff, in her defence, she is the smartest miniature Schnauzer we have ever had. Her radar ears naturally stand up on alert vs the typical floppy eared look all of our other miniature Schnauzers have had. So a wizard was her natural RPG class. You can scroll down below for a picture of her in real life and for a wonderful custom diorama that Mary created to go with this painted studio model. Enjoy!