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SUN9 BB Sovyetsku Soyuz Project 23 (1:2400)


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This pack contains one BB Soyuz Project 23.

Conceived as a counter to the Bismarck Class battleship, these monsters were never completed but would have been among the largest battleships in the world had they been.

Of the planned 15 Project 23 ships, only four were laid down due to production complications. By 1940, construction continued on just 3 ships; they were armed with nine 16 inch guns and strong secondary batteries but would never serve. Construction on all three halted for good in 1941 when the Germans invaded; Sovyetsky Soyuz, the furthest along, was only about 20% complete. The three Project 23s were scrapped in the late 1940s. 

Additional Information

Date from 1939
Date to 1945