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VIG2 Justinian II standing on Usurpers (10mm)


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This shows Justinian II standing triumphant on the heads of the two Emperors who had usurped him, Leontius and Tiberius II.

Justinian Byzantium ruled from 685 to 695 AD. He was then deposed by Leontius and had his nose cut off to disfigure him (removing him from any chance of being Emperor again under Byzantine tradition).

Tiberius II was then raised to Emperor by the army against Leontius. In 705 Justinian returned to power assisted by the Bulgars. He celebrated this in public by standing on the heads of the two preceding Emperors, before having them killed. He then ruled until 711 carrying out a brutal and insane reign of terror against those he saw as his enemies.

Additional Information

Date from 705
Date to 705