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AUC35 Roman Foot Cohort Command (15mm)


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This pack contains eight Roman cohort foot Command (two each of Legate, Centurion, Cornicen and Signifier.

Centurions gradually rose in seniority within their own cohort, commanding centuries with higher precedence, until achieving the Command of the senior century and therefore of the whole cohort. Centurions often suffered heavy casualties in battle, generally leading from the front and seeking to display the skill and courage that would bring them up in rank.

They could be identified by the transverse crest on their helmet, their metal greaves and (unlike the legionaries) the sword worn on the left, like all Roman Officers. Below the centurions were the options, second-in-command of centuries and the most likely men to replace the centurion if the position became vacant. An optio's armour would be like those of the common legionary and he would have his gladius on the right, not left side. The identifying feature would be the plumes of horse hair or feathers on either side of his helmet.