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FRC603 Classican Giant Panites or Goatmen x20 (10mm)


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This pack contains twenty giant Panites or Goatmen, in two poses. Packs include three Command: Standard bearer, musician and Officer.

The woods around Classica are home to the Goatmen. For many centuries they hid from humans, just occasionally raiding villages. One of the last Kings of Classica decided to address the problem and launched a campaign against the Panites. After four months of tough campaigning in the forest, a truce was reached that brought the Panites into the Empire. The forests were left for the Panites, in return for an end to raiding and their service in the Classican army.

Two types of Panites now serve, the smaller more common Goatmen and the large or Giant Panites. Fast moving and strong, their charge is hard to withstand but they lack the discipline for a protracted fight.

Additional Information

Date from -25
Date to 284
Rule System Warmaster Ancients and Medieval