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FGNID4 British Infantry Division 1812-1815 Belgic Shako (15mm)

This Division contains:
3 Units of 32 Line Infantry (Centre Company BRN1 x66, Flank Company BRN2 x18, Command BRN5 x12 with 3 Officers, 6 standards, 3 drummers),
1 Unit of 32 Light Infantry (Formed Light Infantry BRN2 x12, Light Infantry Formed Command BRN5 x4 with 1 Officer, 2 standard, 1 drummer, Light Infantry Skirmishing BRN19 x12, Light Infantry Command Skirmishing BRN19a x4 with 2 Officers, 2 buglers) and
1 Command stand of 2 Officers BRN28 x2.
30mm x 40mm bases x18 and
40mm x 40mm bases x1.


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BRN1 x66, BRN2 x18, BRN5 x12 with 3 Officers, 6 Standards, 3 drummers,
BRN2 x12, BRN5 x4 with 1 Officer, 2 Standards, 1 drummer,
BRN19 x12, BRN19a x4 with 2 Officers, 2 buglers,
BRN28 x2,
30mm x 40mm bases x18 and
40mm x 40mm bases x1.

Additional Information

Date from 1812
Date to 1815