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W89 T-10 Heavy Tank (1:285)


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This pack contains five Soviet T-10 heavy tanks.

The T-10 was the final progression of the KV series of tanks. Initially, coded the IS-10 or Ioseph Stalin 10 it was changed to the T-10 on Stalin's death.

By the end of the Second World War, the heavy tank was falling out of favour as a concept. It had been very difficult to keep the heavy tanks up with the more reliable and manoeuvrable T-34s in the last attacks on Germany and after the T-10 Soviet designers started to focus more on the T-55 medium tank path. This did not stop over six thousand IS-2, IS-3 and T-10 tanks being produced after the war. Production of the T-10 finally stopped in 1966.

The T-10 had an 122mm gun and a maximum of 201mm of armour. It saw combat in the 1973 Yom Kippur war.

Additional Information

Date from 1945
Date to Present